BookingPOINT 6.0.3 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.3. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: Fixed an issue where clicking on a booking in the calendar would sometimes display the wrong booking. Fix: Previously when swapping resources at time of pick-up, if a resource had a conflicting booking that was already returned it would not let the swap take place. Fix: When using 'Ignore Closed Time' to book resources outside of office hours, the drop down value list for the time [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00March 9th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.3 Released

BookingPOINT 6.0.2 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.2. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: IMPORTANT: Fixed undisclosed security issue. Please update now. Fix: Fixed an issue with license code registrations not working corrctly. Fix: Importing Borrower Privilege Sets was not importing any data. New: Added 'External Authentication' checkbox to Web settings area. IMPORTANT: If you use External Authentication, please ensure you select this option before using BookingPOINT to ensure correct operation. To install this update, within BookingPOINT simply go to Settings [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00February 12th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.2 Released

BookingPOINT 6.0.1 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.1. Here's what's changed in this update: New: When importing Privilege Sets for Borrowers, users are now asked if they would like to replace the existing privilege sets or add to the existing ones. New: Added a confirmation dialog when cancelling bookings via the Upcoming screen on the web. New: Added button called 'Pickup' on 'Today - To be picked up' screen which takes the user to the 'In Out - Pickup' screen. New: Added button called 'Return' on 'Today - To be returned' screen which takes the user [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00October 12th, 2017|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.1 Released

CalendarBOX now compatible with older versions of FileMaker

A few months back we released CalendarBOX version 3; a free FileMaker 16 developer tool that lets you add cool animated date pickers to your FileMaker solutions for a sleek professional look. To our surprise, the product quickly gained a tonne of attention from other developers and is now our most popular developer tool. It was initially designed for FileMaker 16 only,  as it utilised the new card window feature within FileMaker 16. If you're not familiar with the new Card window feature, it's simply a new style of window which looks more sleek and dims the background. Since not [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00August 3rd, 2017|FileMaker|3 Comments

Introducing BookingPOINT 6.0

Hello everyone, BookingPOINT 6.0 is finally here! After many months of hard work and late nights we are excited to finally see BookingPOINT 6.0 finally released. Here's a quick summary of the key new features: FileMaker 15 & 16 compatible. Brand new awesome interface. Improved calendar interface. Resources can now be loaned out on the spot without a prior booking. Additional resources can now be added to a booking at time of checkout. The same resource can be booked out multiple times within the shopping cart. Option to allow bookings to span over a block out period. Easier navigation on [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00July 11th, 2017|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on Introducing BookingPOINT 6.0

CalendarBOX 3.0 Install and user instructions

We recently released CalendarBOX 3.0 - you can read about what's new in CalendarBOX here: CalendarBOX 3.0 Released. CalendarBOX is a free FileMaker Developer Tool that lets you add a cool animated date picker to your own FileMaker Solutions for a modern professional look. NOTE: It was initially designed for FileMaker 16, however it now works with older versions too - except you don't get FileMaker 16's Card windows. Installation Instructions Anyway, here are the instructions how to install CalendarBOX in your own solutions: Download CalendarBOX. Copy all of the Custom Functions over to your solution. Copy the CalendarBOX table over to your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 25th, 2017|FileMaker|8 Comments

CalendarBOX 3.0 Released

Hi there, We’ve just released CalendarBOX 3.0, and boy are we excited about this new release. Add an awesome animated date picker to your own FileMaker solutions with CalendarBOX. It's completely free and completely unlocked so you can make any modifications as you see fit. Whats new in this version? Completely rewritten from the ground up. Animations when scrolling months. Uses FileMaker 16's new Card Windows. New modern and clean interface. Now using only one layout for both Single dates and Date Ranges. Selected date ranges highlighted on the date picker. Keyboard shortcuts to speed up the date selection process. We [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 24th, 2017|FileMaker|26 Comments

How to create Groovy Dialog Boxes in FileMaker 16

Lets face it, FileMaker's 'Show Custom Dialog' script step is not very attractive let alone customisable. Yes you can customise the text that appears on the dialog box such as title, message and button names - but you cannot customise the look and feel and you certainly cannot customise it to match your solution's theme. With FileMaker 16, you can now have Groovy Dialog boxes that look like this: And you can finally get rid of boring dialog boxes that look like this: Oh, and did you notice anything different about the Groovy Dialog box above? It's got 4 buttons instead of being [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 16th, 2017|FileMaker|36 Comments

How to dial your iPhone from FileMaker

Like many people these days, I cancelled my antiquated land-line a while back and have been using my mobile phone as my primary phone ever since. A very useful feature that I have built into our customer database is the ability to dial customer phone numbers directly from within FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go. And, it's relatively simple to do. Not only does it save time not having to dial the numbers yourself, more importantly it also eliminates dialling wrong numbers. This tutorial will show you how you can dial your iPhone from both FileMaker Pro on your computer and FileMaker Go on your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 11th, 2017|FileMaker|20 Comments

How to fix BookingPOINT Access Denied message on MacOS

If you are experiencing an Access Denied message within BookingPOINT on MacOS when logging on as an Operator, then here are a few tips how to fix the issue. Step 1. Remove automatic login If you are getting the Access Denied message without being prompted to enter a username and password then you may have saved your password to the MacOS Keychain. This allows you to automatically log in to BookingPOINT without being prompted for a password. At some point during the login dialog box, you may have selected the checkbox 'Save password in Keychain Access' as show below: If you deleted the Operator account within BookingPOINT, [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:05+10:00March 14th, 2017|BookingPOINT|3 Comments