How To Execute Multiple Lines of JavaScript in FileMaker

If you're anything like me, you probably love exploring the endless possibilities that JavaScript has brought to FileMaker, especially with the introduction of the "Perform JavaScript in Web Viewer" script step back in FileMaker Pro 19. This feature significantly expanded the capabilities of FileMaker solutions and finally allowed direct interaction with JavaScript from within a Web Viewer. I found myself using it quite a lot in my solutions. One annoying drawback with the "Perform JavaScript in Web Viewer" script step is that it only allows you to run a single line of JavaScript at a time. But for more complex [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:03+10:00July 10th, 2024|FileMaker|Comments Off on How To Execute Multiple Lines of JavaScript in FileMaker

How to calculate distance and travel time using Google Maps in FileMaker

Hands up if you've ever used Google Maps to calculate distances between two addresses and work out how long it will take you to get there. I'm sure I'm not the only one to use Google Maps for this purpose. Wouldn't it be great if we could incorporate this functionality in our FileMaker solutions? Imagine building a tool for sales reps to help plan their travel time better, or show a list of other clients they can visit along the way?How about building a tool to help clients manage their deliveries better? Or possibly a tool to help you plan your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00April 24th, 2018|FileMaker|7 Comments

CalendarBOX now compatible with older versions of FileMaker

A few months back we released CalendarBOX version 3; a free FileMaker 16 developer tool that lets you add cool animated date pickers to your FileMaker solutions for a sleek professional look. To our surprise, the product quickly gained a tonne of attention from other developers and is now our most popular developer tool. It was initially designed for FileMaker 16 only,  as it utilised the new card window feature within FileMaker 16. If you're not familiar with the new Card window feature, it's simply a new style of window which looks more sleek and dims the background. Since not [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00August 3rd, 2017|FileMaker|3 Comments

CalendarBOX 3.0 Install and user instructions

We recently released CalendarBOX 3.0 - you can read about what's new in CalendarBOX here: CalendarBOX 3.0 Released. CalendarBOX is a free FileMaker Developer Tool that lets you add a cool animated date picker to your own FileMaker Solutions for a modern professional look. NOTE: It was initially designed for FileMaker 16, however it now works with older versions too - except you don't get FileMaker 16's Card windows. Installation Instructions Anyway, here are the instructions how to install CalendarBOX in your own solutions: Download CalendarBOX. Copy all of the Custom Functions over to your solution. Copy the CalendarBOX table over to your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 25th, 2017|FileMaker|8 Comments

CalendarBOX 3.0 Released

Hi there, We’ve just released CalendarBOX 3.0, and boy are we excited about this new release. Add an awesome animated date picker to your own FileMaker solutions with CalendarBOX. It's completely free and completely unlocked so you can make any modifications as you see fit. Whats new in this version? Completely rewritten from the ground up. Animations when scrolling months. Uses FileMaker 16's new Card Windows. New modern and clean interface. Now using only one layout for both Single dates and Date Ranges. Selected date ranges highlighted on the date picker. Keyboard shortcuts to speed up the date selection process. We [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 24th, 2017|FileMaker|26 Comments

How to create Groovy Dialog Boxes in FileMaker 16

Lets face it, FileMaker's 'Show Custom Dialog' script step is not very attractive let alone customisable. Yes you can customise the text that appears on the dialog box such as title, message and button names - but you cannot customise the look and feel and you certainly cannot customise it to match your solution's theme. With FileMaker 16, you can now have Groovy Dialog boxes that look like this: And you can finally get rid of boring dialog boxes that look like this: Oh, and did you notice anything different about the Groovy Dialog box above? It's got 4 buttons instead of being [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 16th, 2017|FileMaker|36 Comments

How to dial your iPhone from FileMaker

Like many people these days, I cancelled my antiquated land-line a while back and have been using my mobile phone as my primary phone ever since. A very useful feature that I have built into our customer database is the ability to dial customer phone numbers directly from within FileMaker Pro and FileMaker Go. And, it's relatively simple to do. Not only does it save time not having to dial the numbers yourself, more importantly it also eliminates dialling wrong numbers. This tutorial will show you how you can dial your iPhone from both FileMaker Pro on your computer and FileMaker Go on your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00May 11th, 2017|FileMaker|20 Comments

How to pluralise words within messages in FileMaker

I often see FileMaker developers mishandle pluralisation of words in dialog boxes or error messages. Well the problem isn't limited to just FileMaker developers of course, and you no doubt have come across error messages such as: "You cannot update 1 items." This is lazy programming as it does not handle pluralisation at all. It does not look professional to your users. Please don't be lazy. At the very least, you can pluralise the key word using brackets like this: "You cannot update 1 item(s)." But personally, I don't like doing this as this too, in my opinion is lazy. As you no doubt [...]

By |2024-07-23T13:00:16+10:00March 10th, 2017|FileMaker|3 Comments

Free Code-X giveaway for FileMaker Developers

Greetings fellow FileMaker developers ... Yes, you heard correctly, we have teamed up with popular FileMaker developer website FileMaker Today and as a result we are giving away Code-X licenses for free for a very limited time. Code-X normally sells for AU$450, however we're giving it away for free this holiday season. All you need to do is head on over to our Code-X page and fill out the form we have provided. Oh, and if you have a blog or website of your own we would love it if you could link back to our website, or even sharing our website on social media will be [...]

By |2024-07-23T13:00:16+10:00December 12th, 2016|FileMaker|2 Comments

CalendarBOX 2.0 released

Hi there, We've just released CalendarBOX version 2.0. CalendarBOX is a FileMaker Developer Tool that lets developers add a date picker to their solutions. You can add a single date picker or a date range date picker. Whats new in this version? New modern and clean interface. Simplified the installation process - now you simply copy the file over to your solution folder - that's it. Simplified the scripting process - not its much easier to connect to your solution. Fixed up some issues where 'Close' and 'Today' buttons did not close the date picker. Rewrote a bunch of code to [...]

By |2024-07-23T13:00:16+10:00November 18th, 2016|FileMaker|Comments Off on CalendarBOX 2.0 released