Hello there,
We’ve just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.1.
Here’s what’s changed in this update:
New: When importing Privilege Sets for Borrowers, users are now asked if they would like to replace the existing privilege sets or add to the existing ones.
New: Added a confirmation dialog when cancelling bookings via the Upcoming screen on the web.
New: Added button called ‘Pickup’ on ‘Today – To be picked up’ screen which takes the user to the ‘In Out – Pickup’ screen.
New: Added button called ‘Return’ on ‘Today – To be returned’ screen which takes the user to the ‘In Out – Return’ screen.
Fix: Choosing a new borrower to view via the calendar screen would sometimes incorrectly display a message saying ‘The next semester break has not been entered in preferences’.
Fix: When making recurring bookings for today, the future child bookings now have the correct From time.
Fix: Recurring bookings now notify users if there were any conflict or issues.
Fix: When closing the Restriction window, it’s parent window (Privilege Settings) is no longer closed along with it.
Fix: Borrower emails and phone numbers were not being imported correctly.
Fix: Clicking on Resource name via the Return screen would take the user to the wrong Resource.
Fix: The row background colour and position were not displaying correctly for excluded resources on the Restrictions screen.
Fix: Resources booked across multiple days can now be picked up on following days if missed, not just the day of the booking.
Change: Increased size of Resource Barcode field through the system to allow larger barcodes.
Change: Previously when choosing a borrower via the Pickup screen, only borrowers that had resources booked and ready for pickup were listed. Now all borrowers are displayed so that any borrower can have resources loaned out on the spot without any prior booking.
To install this update, within BookingPOINT simply go to Settings -> Update / Renewal. You can check for updates via this screen which will allow you to download the updater.
BookingPOINT is a FileMaker room and equipment reservation system designed for universities, schools. For more information about BookingPOINT or to download the trial version visit: BookingPOINT – Equipment Booking System