Hi-Voltage has announced the release of BookingPOINT 3.1.2 and is now available as a trial download via the Hi-Voltage website (see links below).
BookingPOINT is a powerful resouarce booking system designed for universities, colleges and other educational institutions, and helps them better manage resources and assets.
BookingPOINT allows you to take full control of room and equipment bookings, offering significant time saving features, increased convenience and greater efficiency for both staff and borrowers.
What’s new in this version
New: Added drop down list for ‘Department’ field in Borrowers.
New: Added drop down list for ‘Study’ field in Borrowers.
New: Added drop down list for ‘Unit’ field in Borrowers.
New: Administrators can now click on a booking belonging to another borrower (other than the current borrower) from the booking grid to see the borrower and the details of the booking.
New: Under borrowers privileges you can now set a limit on the amount of weeks for a recurring booking.
Fix: Once you have reserved a booking and you change from Day View to Week View or vice versa, you will be prompted to save or delete your reservation/s. This feature existed in previous versions but stopped working in version 3.1.1.
Fix: FileMaker Server 11 Advanced running on Snow Leopard (10.6.x) has a bug which affected BookingPOINT. It would cause the Web Publishing Engine in FileMaker to crash when accessing a certain BookingPOINT page via the web. Although this is a FileMaker issue, we’ve altered our code to overcome the issue and the Web Publishing Engine no longer crashes.
Fix: When changing passwords on the web, if your new password does not match the confirmed password or you don’t enter a password or your old password is incorrectly entered you will get a message advising you of your mistake. The problem is you cannot exit from this screen and return to the change password screen. This has now been resolved.
Fix: Scheduled scripts would not activate when running BookingPOINT with FileMaker Pro 9.
Change: Updated the update package instructions … they are now more intuitive with easy to follow instructions and screen shots.
If BookingPOINT doesn’t quite fit your needs, it can be customised to meet your exact requirements, please contact us for additional information or visit: FileMaker Pro custom development
Purchase BookingPOINT 3.1.2 Today!
For more information please visit: BookingPOINT – FileMaker Room and Equipment Booking System