We’ve just released an update for BookingPOINT, version 5.3.0. Here are the changes:
New: Block Outs now have a Type drop down with the options ‘Resource’, ‘Type’, ‘Group’ and ‘All’. A single Block Out entry can now apply to a resource, to a resource group, to a resource type, or to all resources. For example, a ‘Group’ Block Out applies to all resources within the same Resource Group and only needs to be edited once – previously every resource within the Resource Group had to have an individual Block Out.
New: As part of Restrictions, added the ability to exclude a resource group from being borrowed for a privilege set.
New: As part of Restrictions, added the ability to exclude an individual resource item from being borrowed for a privilege set.
New: Added the ability to restrict how many times a booking could be extended for a Privilege Set.
New: Added ‘Duplicate’ button to duplicate Borrower Privileges in Users/Security.
New: Added links to the ‘From’ and ‘To’ fields on the ‘Today List’ screens which takes the user to the borrowers Calendar.
New: Added ‘Ignore Closed Time’ checkbox in Privileges to allow certain borrowers to ignore closed times such as public holidays, term / semester breaks etc.
New: Added the ability to save a report as a PDF document via the Preview window.
New: Added new documentation for migrating from an old server over to a new server. See documentation folder.
Change: Borrower Usage report works more like Resource Usage report, i.e. via a date range search.
Change: Increased size of barcode field throughout the system.
Change: When clicking on the borrower ‘Choose’ button via the Pickup screen, it now only shows just the borrowers that have booked resources instead of all borrowers.
Change: When clicking on the borrower ‘Choose’ button via the Return screen, it now only shows just the borrowers that have resources in their possession instead of all borrowers.
Change: Start and End time on a Block Out are now optional, leaving them blank will block out the entire day.
Change: Creating new a Block Out is handled via a pop up window.
Change: Removed the redundant Block Out buttons ‘Apply to all in Group’, ‘Apply to all in Type’, which have been replaced with the option to specify a type against each Block Out entry.
Change: Operator name in Users/Security has been changed to one field for full name instead of two separate fields for First Name & Surname to make more room available.
Change: Previously, when using the Block Out buttons ‘Apply to all in Group’, ‘Apply to all in Type’, the current resources’ Block Outs were used to replace all the Block Outs for the Type or Group – which meant you couldn’t have different Block Outs for the individual resources within the Type or Group. Now each resource can have its own unique Block Outs, yet also share common Block Outs with the Type or Group.
Change: Bookings can now only be extended on the day the resources are due for return.
Change: Renaming Resource Types in Settings is now done directly via the field rather than having to click the ‘Rename’ button – the ‘Rename’ button has been removed.
Fix: The ‘Reset Password’ on the borrower screen failed to reset passwords sometimes.
Fix: Barcodes weren’t being imported when importing resources.
Fix: Resource Usage report wasn’t showing correct usage statistics.
Fix: Borrower Usage report wasn’t showing correct usage statistics.
Fix: Automatically removing spaces and carriage returns from Student Number and Barcode fields on Bookings screens and In / Out screens which would cause the values to not match.
Fix: When using the swap feature via the pickup screen, if you closed the dialog without making a swap the dialog would close but left the screen in a paused state.
Fix: When returning resources using the ‘Resources due for return’ option, all booked resources including those due for return on a future date were being returned instead of only the ones that were due for return today.
Fix: When searching for a borrower by both first name and surname via the ‘Choose borrower’ dialog box, no results were being returned.
Fix: Resources that don’t require pickup (i.e. rooms) were remaining in the system as ‘Booked’ and as such were being excluded from showing up in reports and in borrower history.
Fix: The ‘Show Resources’ filter on the Day View calendar would occasionally drop off resource types that were flagged only for same day bookings.
Fix: Restrictions dialog now sorts Resources and Groups alphabetically.
Fix: When extending a booking that is due for return, an error message would state that the From date and From time can’t be changed even when they haven’t been changed.
Fix: Bookings could exceed the maximum number of days allowed when extending bookings multiple times in smaller batches.
For more information please visit: BookingPOINT – FileMaker Room and Equipment Booking System