BookingPOINT 6.0.5 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.5. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: Restricting the number of weeks bookings could be made in advance was not working. Fix: Restricting the maximum booking duration would sometimes fail to work for same day bookings. Fix: Same day bookings were not allowed to be made via the Day View calendar when spanning over block outs that allowed spanning. Fix: Overnight bookings were allowed to be made via the Day View calendar when [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00September 14th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.5 Released

BookingPOINT 6.0.4 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.4. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: When changing the date via the calendar date picker on the Day View screen, the calendar was not refreshing and remained on the wrong date. Fix: The 'Show Resources' filter drop down list on the Week View and Day View screens was sometimes not displaying the correct values. Fix: Non-admin operators could not delete bookings via the Pickup window. Fix: Borrowers would not always automatically expire [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00August 8th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.4 Released

How to calculate distance and travel time using Google Maps in FileMaker

Hands up if you've ever used Google Maps to calculate distances between two addresses and work out how long it will take you to get there. I'm sure I'm not the only one to use Google Maps for this purpose. Wouldn't it be great if we could incorporate this functionality in our FileMaker solutions? Imagine building a tool for sales reps to help plan their travel time better, or show a list of other clients they can visit along the way?How about building a tool to help clients manage their deliveries better? Or possibly a tool to help you plan your [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00April 24th, 2018|FileMaker|7 Comments

BookingPOINT 6.0.3 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.3. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: Fixed an issue where clicking on a booking in the calendar would sometimes display the wrong booking. Fix: Previously when swapping resources at time of pick-up, if a resource had a conflicting booking that was already returned it would not let the swap take place. Fix: When using 'Ignore Closed Time' to book resources outside of office hours, the drop down value list for the time [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00March 9th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.3 Released

BookingPOINT 6.0.2 Released

Hello there, We've just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 6.0.2. This update fixes a few minor issues that our wonderful users have reported to us. Here's what's changed in this update: Fix: IMPORTANT: Fixed undisclosed security issue. Please update now. Fix: Fixed an issue with license code registrations not working corrctly. Fix: Importing Borrower Privilege Sets was not importing any data. New: Added 'External Authentication' checkbox to Web settings area. IMPORTANT: If you use External Authentication, please ensure you select this option before using BookingPOINT to ensure correct operation. To install this update, within BookingPOINT simply go to Settings [...]

By |2024-07-23T12:59:04+10:00February 12th, 2018|BookingPOINT|Comments Off on BookingPOINT 6.0.2 Released