LatitudeZERO – Calculate distances in Claris FileMaker Pro using postal codes or coordinates2022-05-12T15:29:48+10:00


LatitudeZERO is a free Claris FileMaker Developer Tool that lets you calculate distances between latitude and longitude coordinates right from within Claris FileMaker Pro.

So what can you do with LatitudeZERO?

  • Calculate the distance between ZIP / postal codes – (requires geocoded data)
  • Calculate the distance between coordinates – (anywhere in the world)
  • Show a list of customers within a certain radius
  • Show the closest sales rep to minimise travel time
  • and more …

So what exactly is LatitudeZERO?

LatitudeZERO is a set of Claris FileMaker custom functions that you can easily incorporate into your own Claris FileMaker solutions. The custom functions let you do a number of tasks such as calculate distances between two coordinates, determine if a coordinate is within or outside of a certain radius, convert distances to miles, kilometres or nautical miles, calculate the bearing between two points.

Want to calculate distances using Google Maps?

If you want to calculate distances and travel time using Google Maps you can with our GetDistance tool. Check it out here: GetDistance – Calculate Distance and Travel Time Using Google Maps API in FileMaker

Download it now – its free!

ZIP / postal code data

LatitudeZERO does not come with any ZIP / postal geocoded data. You will need to source your own data provider. Your best bet will be to contact your local postal service provider – they should be able to point you in the right direction.

In Australia, Australia Post sell such data and can be purchased here: Australian Geocoded Postcodes


LatitudeZERO works with Claris FileMaker Pro 12 or greater.


LatitudeZERO is provided ‘as is’ free of charge, therefore we do not provide free support for the product. If you need assistance, please note that it will be a paid consultation. To arrange a consultation, please contact us.


LatitudeZERO is licensed under a MIT License. Basically, you can do what ever you like with it. There are no restrictions whatsoever.

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