BookingPOINT 6 Release Notes

Other versions: Version 5, Version 4, Version 3

Version 6.1.1

New: Added a ‘Duplicate’ button for resources.

New: Added default settings for Ignore Restrictions and Ignore Closed times to Calendar General settings.

New: Specifying a disposed date for a Resource now disables the item and it can no longer be booked.

New: Added ‘Preferred Name’ field to Borrowers; which is displayed everywhere the borrowers name appears throughout the system.

Change: Moved “Resources On Loan By Borrower” report over to “Resources Reports” section from “Borrowers Reports” section.

Fix: Reports show long text on multiple lines rather than truncating onto one line.

Fix: Fixed an incorrectly labeled checkbox on the Settings > Email > Pickup Reminder screen to say ‘Send Pickup Reminder Emails’.

Fix: The Custom date dropdown calendar on the Pick-up List screen now closes when choosing a date rather than remaining open.

Fix: Added ‘Make’ field to Resource export

Fix: Fixed field tab order throughout system.

Version 6.1.0

Important: A script schedule has been renamed and the corresponding FileMaker Server schedule needs to be edited to point to the new script name. In the FileMaker Server Admin Console, got to Script Schedules and edit the ‘Email Reminder Due Tomorrow’ schedule and change it to point to the script called ‘Scheduler: Event – Send Pickup & Return Reminders’.

New: Added mobile friendly interface for web bookings.

New: Redesigned Pickup screen.

New: Added ability to select which resources are being picked up by scanning a barcode rather than having to manually select the resources.

New: Added pickup reminder email and SMS messaging which can be scheduled to remind borrowers that they have resources scheduled for pick up the following day.

Change: In / Out > Pickup List now shows Today’s bookings as well as earlier bookings that have not yet been picked up.

Fix: Fixed an issue preventing new demerit points being manually added against borrowers.

Fix: Fixed an issue preventing demerit points from being deleted.

Fix: Uncollected bookings were being flagged as ‘Missed’ prior to the expiry of the booking. Now bookings wont be flagged as ‘Missed’ until after the return date and time has passed.

Fix: Resources could be unintentionally double booked when two users booked the same resource at the exact time.

Fix: Improved messaging when a borrower account assigned to a privilege set with an expiry date is due to expire.

Fix: Fixed issue where resources could not be swapped at time of pick if the current resource being swapped was booked after the resource being swapped with.

Version 6.0.8

Fix: Fixed External Authentication issue with FileMaker 18.

Version 6.0.7

New: Redesigned the Operator Privileges screen and added additional privilege options.

New: Added ability to rename an Operator Privilege.

Change: Buttons are either disabled or hidden if the operator does not have the right privileges. Previously the user would have to click the button to be told they don’t have privileges.

Fix: Bookings can be deleted via Borrower screens by non-admin operators.

Fix: Fixed performance issues with Quick Search throughout the system.

Fix: Fixed tab order on Booking pop up dialog.

Version 6.0.6

Note: Dropped support for FileMaker 13. Only FileMaker 14 or later are supported.

New: Added a new field called ‘Make’ to Resources to track the brand / manufacture.

Change: Resource import includes the new ‘Make’ field.

Change: Model drop down field in Resources is now linked to the new Make field and only shows Models for the selected Make.

Fix: When creating bookings, sometimes the return date would incorrectly default to the same day as the pick up date.

Fix: When deleting resources, related bookings are now being deleted as well rather than being orphaned.

Version 6.0.5

Fix: Restricting the number of weeks bookings could be made in advance was not working.

Fix: Restricting the maximum booking duration would sometimes fail to work for same day bookings.

Fix: Same day bookings were not allowed to be made via the Day View calendar when spanning over block outs that allowed spanning.

Fix: Overnight bookings were allowed to be made via the Day View calendar when when spanning over block outs that don’t allow spanning.

Fix: When making a booking at the current time, if the clock ticked over to the next 15 minute interval while the booking dialog was still open, an error would display saying you could not book resources in the past.

Fix: When adding additional resources during pickup, sometimes the additional resources were being added to wrong borrowers.

Change: When adding resources via the Pickup screen, hitting the enter key after entering the barcode now adds the resource.

Change: The Today screen within the Bookings module has been moved and split out into two seperate screens within the In / Out module and are now called Pickup List and Return List.

New: The Pickup List can now show a list of bookings due for pick up today, tomorrow or a custom date.

New: Borrowers cannot book past their Privilege Set expiry date if one has been set.

Version 6.0.4

Fix: When changing the date via the calendar date picker on the Day View screen, the calendar was not refreshing and remained on the wrong date.

Fix: The ‘Show Resources’ filter drop down list on the Week View and Day View screens was sometimes not displaying the correct values.

Fix: Non-admin operators could not delete bookings via the Pickup window.

Fix: Borrowers would not always automatically expire when their Privilege set expired.

Change: When swapping resources at time of Pickup, BookingPOINT now takes into account if the Resource Type allows Same Day bookings or Overnight bookings.

Version 6.0.3

Fix: Fixed an issue where clicking on a booking in the calendar would sometimes display the wrong booking.

Fix: Previously when swapping resources at time of pick-up, if a resource had a conflicting booking that was already returned it would not let the swap take place.

Fix: When using ‘Ignore Closed Time’ to book resources outside of office hours, the drop down value list for the time fields on the ‘Booking Details’ dialog box now lists 24 hours whereas previously it only listed the office hours. This was preventing bookings from being made after office hours.

Change: The sort order for Today screens has been changed to first group by date / time and then by borrower name. This applies to both ‘To be picked up’ and ‘To be retuned screens’.

Version 6.0.2

Fix: IMPORTANT: Fixed undisclosed security issue. Please update now.

Fix: Fixed an issue with license code registrations not working corrctly.

Fix: Importing Borrower Privilege Sets was not importing any data.

New: Added ‘External Authentication’ checkbox to Web settings area. IMPORTANT: If you use External Authentication, please ensure you select this option before using BookingPOINT to ensure correct operation.

Version 6.0.1

New: When importing Privilege Sets for Borrowers, users are now asked if they would like to replace the existing privilege sets or add to the existing ones.

New: Added a confirmation dialog when cancelling bookings via the Upcoming screen on the web.

New: Added button called ‘Pickup’ on ‘Today – To be picked up’ screen which takes the user to the ‘In Out – Pickup’ screen.

New: Added button called ‘Return’ on ‘Today – To be returned’ screen which takes the user to the ‘In Out – Return’ screen.

Fix: Choosing a new borrower to view via the calendar screen would sometimes incorrectly display a message saying ‘The next semester break has not been entered in preferences’.

Fix: When making recurring bookings for today, the future child bookings now have the correct From time.

Fix: Recurring bookings now notify users if there were any conflict or issues.

Fix: When closing the Restriction window, it’s parent window (Privilege Settings) is no longer closed along with it.

Fix: Borrower emails and phone numbers were not being imported correctly.

Fix: Clicking on Resource name via the Return screen would take the user to the wrong Resource.

Fix: The row background colour and position were not displaying correctly for excluded resources on the Restrictions screen.

Fix: Resources booked across multiple days can now be picked up on following days if missed, not just the day of the booking.

Change: Increased size of Resource Barcode field through the system to allow larger barcodes.

Change: Previously when choosing a borrower via the Pickup screen, only borrowers that had resources booked and ready for pickup were listed. Now all borrowers are displayed so that any borrower can have resources loaned out on the spot without any prior booking.

Version 6.0.0

Note: BookingPOINT is now offered under an Annual License. Upgrading to this new version means that you will need to renew your license annually once your current Support / Maintenance plan expires. As of this version, failure to renew your Support / Maintenance Plan means BookingPOINT will be deactivated until renewed. If you do not wish switch to an Annual License, please do not upgrade to this version – no rollback is provided if you change your mind.

New: Completely rewrote the entire calendar and booking features in order to make it compatible with FileMaker 15 & 16.

New: Brand new interface.

New: The calendar interface has been updated and improved.

New: Resources can now be loaned out on the spot without any prior booking – i.e. you can add additional resources to the pickup list at checkout time.

New: The same resource can now be added to the shopping cart multiple times (i.e. for different times) instead of only just once.

New: From and To date / time are now shown on the Pickup screen.

New: Added option to allow bookings to be booked over a Block Out period – previously bookings could not span over a Block Out, now it is optional.

New: Added separator lines for weeks on Week View.

New: Added the ability to choose a time slot to view via a drop down list on the Day View screen.

New: The date / time navigation buttons on the Day View screen have been grouped into seperate sections making navigation much easier.

New: Added new Preferences option to set the start time for the Day View calendar.

New: Added ‘Start’ button on the Day View calendar that navigates the calendar to the start of the day.

New: Added new Restriction called ‘Max. Active Bookings’ which restricts how many active bookings a borrower can have before they need to return resources in order to book more.

New: Added ability to set Max. Bookings restriction as either Days or Hours. i.e Maximum 2 bookings within a 7 day period or maximum 2 bookings within a 4 hour period. Previously it only allowed for Days.

New: Recurring End Date can now be edited for recurring bookings.

New: Added row highlighting so users can easily see which row they are currently on.

New: Window sizes are now restored from last session when BookingPOINT is opened.

New: Added ability to choose how many records to view on the calendar at the one time via a drop down list. The fewer records displayed, the better the performance of the calendar. Also added pagination buttons.

New: Added a new preference option for setting the default number of records to view on the calendar.

New: Pop-up windows can now be resized.

New: Added ability to include or filter out inactive (i.e. expired, suspended, disabled) borrowers within the pop-up search for the booking calendar.

New: The Borrower pop-up search window now displays status (i.e. Active, Expired, Disabled, Suspended).

New: Added button to clear ‘Resource Type’ filter on calendar screens.

New: Added the ability to manually set a borrower as ‘Expired’.

Fix: Web user passwords were being corrupt. Passwords have been repaired. Some web users may no longer be able to log in using their current password – instead they will need to login using a previous password or the password will need to be reset manually. This does not apply to customers using External Authentication.

Fix: New Block Outs were sometimes not being honoured when their Type was set to anything other than ‘Resource’.

Fix: The return date was not factoring in holidays when making new bookings.

Fix: Making a same day booking via the Week View screen would sometimes show a validation error that the booking fell over a block out period when it did not.

Fix: All Admin Operators could previously be deleted preventing Admin users from accessing BookingPOINT. Now at least one Admin Operator must be present.

Fix: The Restriction for booking maximum duration now correctly restricts bookings. i.e. maximum 3 days.

Fix: Using email addresses as login names for External Authentication was not recognising users.

Fix: Resources that could be booked outside office hours caused an issue where resources could be booked for longer than allowed within office hours.

Fix: Fixed issue with closed for business not displaying correctly on the calendar.

Fix: Deleting admin operators would sometimes fail saying that at least 1 admin operator must exist, even though more than 1 existed.

Fix: Activating renewals would sometimes report it succeed when in fact it actually failed.

Fix: Fixed issue where BookingPOINT would ask for a license code to be entered at start up even though the copy was already licensed.

Fix: Swapping resources at time of pickup would sometimes go into an endless loop. This has been fixed.

Fix: Swapping resources at time of pickup would sometimes cause double bookings. This has been fixed.

Fix: The ‘Clear All’ button for ‘Closed For Business’ entries now works.

Fix: Web pagination calculation was returning wrong record numbers when on the last page.

Fix: The pickup checkbox is automatically checked when swapping resources at time of pickup.

Fix: When returning resources by barcode, a confirmation dialog is displayed when the booking has Supplementary Items to remind the user to check them.

Fix: ‘Supplementary Items’ and ‘Service Reason’ fields can now be searched via Bookings Advanced search.

Fix: When deleting search criteria via the keyboard on Calendar screens, the Type filter is now set to ‘Show All’ instead of remaining blank.

Fix: [Web] Hitting return after typing search criteria now performs search on Calendar screens.

Fix: Changing borrowers while on the Calendar screens would potentially take a while to load. This has now been improved.

Fix: [Web] Logging on via the web would potentially take a while to load. This has now been improved.

Change: Dropped support for FileMaker 12. FileMaker 13 or later are supported.

Change: Adding new Block Outs for Resources is now done directly via the list instead of via a pop up window.

Change: Clicking the Today button on the Day View screen no longer scrolls the calendar to the current time as it was somewhat confusing.

Change: Resources that can only be booked the same day can now be booked overnight when ignoring restrictions.

Change: Moved setting for maximum number of weeks bookings can me made in advance over to privileges. Now each privilege set can have its own maximum number of weeks that bookings can be made in advance whereas previously one setting applied to all users regardless of privilege set.

Change: Previously the maximum number of weeks bookings can be made in advance only applied to web bookings – now it applies to both web bookings and admin bookings.

Change: Week View columns now show day header as 3 characters instead of 1, i.e. Mon, Tue, Wed etc.

Change: Improved the Restrictions screen – improved column names and help text.

Change: Resources are now grouped by Type on the calendar screens for web users, just like within the desktop version.

Change: Increased the maximum number of rows per page on the calendar screens for web users from 10 to 15.

Change: Operators that cannot be deleted no longer show the ‘X’ button along side them – i.e. the current logged in user cannot delete their own operator account, and the last admin operator cannot be deleted.

Change: Updated Return screen to look more like the Pickup screen.

Change: Demerit Date field on the Borrower Detail screen is now a drop down date picker.

Change: Office Hours are now validated by showing invalid entries in a red background rather than a dialog box.

Change: Status field on Advanced Booking search is now a drop down list (i.e. ‘Booked’, ‘Loaned’, ‘Missing’ and ‘Returned’) to simplify searching.

Change: Increased the size of ‘Type’ filter on the calendar screens.

Change: Exiting the Search field on calendar screens no longer performs the search. Search is now only performed if the user hits the return / enter key.

Change: Increased size of the Privileges field on the ‘Select Borrower’ dialog.