We’ve just released a new update for BookingPOINT, version 5.3.8. This is a small update and fixes a few minor issues that users have reported to us.
Here’s whats changed in this update:
Fix: Booking resources for Borrowers that had the ‘Ignore Term Breaks’ privilege option was setting a return date that spanned the whole term break.
Change: Due to limitations of FileMaker, Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge, we are forced to revert a feature we recently added back to the way it originally worked. The Terms and Conditions will no longer show any formatted text. Due to a FileMaker limitation, formatted text does not work on the web. However we addressed this by using an alternative method, but unfortunately the alternative method is not supported by Internet Explorer and Edge and caused other issues. Therefore we have no choice but to remove formatting until FileMaker or Microsoft resolve these limitations.
For more information about BookingPOINT or to download the trial version visit:
BookingPOINT – Room & Equipment Booking Software for FileMaker