BookingPOINT 4.2.0 has been released and is available for immediate download. BookingPOINT 4.2.0 has a number of new features, enhancements and fixes.

Current users of version 4.1.1 will be notified automatically in BookingPOINT within 7 days that a new version has been released or they can manually check for new version via the preferences screen.

What’s new in this version

New: Resources can now be booked outside of regular office hours, i.e. rooms or studios.

New: Resource Type and Group can now be restricted to limit the amount of bookings for a single time-slot.

New: Borrower privileges can now be imported from the borrower list screen.

New: The ability to track kits has been added. A new tab in resources called ‘Kit Items’ has been added. You can assign multiple kit items to a resource. There is also an option to flag a kit item as missing and run a report.

New: A new report to print a list of missing kit items has been added.

New: You can now restrict the number of weeks borrowers can book resources in advance and only allow them to book within a certain number of weeks.

New: When returning a resource by scanning its barcode, the borrowers name and account status is displayed.

Change: Resource restrictions screen has been re-designed.

Change: When making a booking the time value list will now display in 12 hour format.

Change: When importing resources, if there is no matching resource type in preferences then it will automatically create one.

Fix: When previewing a report with multiple pages, you can now navigate to the other pages.

Fix: Web users were able book resources even though they had no privilege set assigned to their borrower record.

Fix: For new users created after the 4.1.1 update; when searching for resources it would display an error ‘The borrower does not have the ability to borrow any resources’.

Fix: If you clicked cancel when making a booking, it used to jump to the first resource record.

Fix: When extending a borrowers booking it incorrectly used to say you cannot borrow this resource type more than ‘n’ times within an ‘n’ day period.

Fix: If you used the ‘|’ symbol in a resource name it caused problems when deleting a borrowers resource via the web.

You can download BookingPOINT here: BookingPOINT – AV Equipment Reservation System for FileMaker Pro